Tord Gustavsen is on a constant search for a fresh and radically stripped-down honest beauty in music. The band works to explore, integrate and serve a holy trinity of emotional intensity, elegance, and mediative musical breathing. Tord has released eight albums under his own name in trio, quartet and quintet formats.
In 2024, a new album by Tord Gustavsen Trio is on its way with the release of ‘Seeing’ on ECM Records September 20th, featuring Steinar Raknes on bass and Jarle Vespestad on drums. The trio will do extensive touring during 2024—’25, including concerts at Montreal and Québec Jazz Festivals, London Jazz Festival, and a number of other concert halls, churches, and clubs in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, UK, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, as well as in their native Norway.
Three tracks will be pre-released as digital ‘singles’ – first the subtly gospel-infused «The Old Church», available from August 9th. Listen to the first single here.
Selected reviews of the previous album «Opening»:
«Impressive collection.» (Jazzwise – Editor’s Choice)
«Graceful» (The Guardian)
«Internasjonal mesterpianist» (Dagens Næringsliv)
«Det er en sann kunst å spille substans inn i transparente ballader og få musikalsk vemod til å stå til troende. Vi er heldige som har utøvere som klarer det. Som får det til å dirre så finstemt at musikken kan ta bolig i deg.» (Aftenposten)
«.. en stor og vakker høytidsstund» (Dagsavisen)
«For en trio! Urvakkert og høyst personlig.» (Nettavisen)
«quietly beguiling release. .. there’s an artistry to Gustavsen’s composition, a skill in their execution, and a warmth to their spirit that keeps the listener engaged» (London Jazz News)
«‘Opening’ ist ein humanistisches Statement .. Zwölf musikalische Perlen mit großer hymnischer Kraft. (NDR Rundfunk – Album der Woche)
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